My name.
So, I Googled the meaning of my name which - for the last decade - I assumed meant some sort of reddish color on a horse. Which it is, but that's not the entire story.
The word Roan is derived from a proto-Germanic (Frisian) word Hraban meaing "Raven". And as for the symbolic meaning of the word, well ravens were usually associated with the Frisian (and or Norse) god Woden (Odin).
The word Roan is also Gaelic which means "little red head", and is sometimes spelled Rowan as per the British, or Rouen as per the city in Normany. A city originally inhabited by Gaelics.
The word Roan is derived from a proto-Germanic (Frisian) word Hraban meaing "Raven". And as for the symbolic meaning of the word, well ravens were usually associated with the Frisian (and or Norse) god Woden (Odin).
The word Roan is also Gaelic which means "little red head", and is sometimes spelled Rowan as per the British, or Rouen as per the city in Normany. A city originally inhabited by Gaelics.
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