
I'm fascinated by engineers. Growing up I've always been surrounded by them. My dad, an electrical engineer, my brother a budding power engineer, and my uncles - ranging from civil to mechanical engineers. I'll admit, I've never had an interest in a career as an engineer (its only now that I've found merit in the discipline), but I've always loved technology. I just never pictured myself developing it.

That's now changed.

I'm loving science, and I'm loving the idea of being able to create something useful out of nothing, based on the laws of the universe and current tools and community accepted, applied scientific theories. Engineering blood flows through my veins, I've just never fully tapped into my abilities. Granted, problem solving comes easy to me. For years I've applied that gift to the Arts, I think its time I gave Applied Science a bit of love too.

I suppose my transformation has largely to do with helping people. As I've grown older, I've come to see that the world is in a state of cyclical decay. Things break. Those things need to be fixed permanently. I can fix them. I can also make things to keep those things from breaking. I can stop that cyclical decay.

It's a tough road ahead I know - this way to engineering. My path to the profession I truly desire will not be an easy one. But the end goal is important to me. Aligning myself to my family values, using traits inherited from my biological father, and using gifts that the Father has given me is important to me. Helping people through technologies I've helped engineer is important to me. Saving the world - through engineering - is important to me.

I am an engineer. Now, I just need the papers to prove it.


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