In motion.

Fundamental Physics would teach us that objects put into motion stay in motion and objects in rest stay at rest. I guess this rule holds true for ambition too. I set myself on pre-calculated course, direct all my best efforts into that course and come out with finishing with positive results. Keep that momentum up and keep the motion going. It's cyclical and that rule has applied to my life's direction in regards to academics and career targets.

As you can probably tell from my previous posts, I'm in transition of a new career. I've laid it out, I've told the people who matter to me what my plans are, and everyone seems to be on board with the idea. So, I'm going for it and I'm not turning back. It was hard for me to come to grips with the idea, the many things I would need to sacrifice, and calculating the risks and overall benefits should I succeed. I've convinced myself that it's an upgrade necessary not just for myself but more so for the people whom I care about.

If you haven't clued in by now it's the area of Biorobotics that I am looking at.

The field is defined as the intersection of biomedicine and electromechanical engineering. I want to be a biorobotics engineer. I want to design, build, and engineer things that help improve the overall quality of life for people. More specifically, disabled people. Those who've lost their limbs due to disease, accidents, or purposeful, aggressive causes. Them. I want to help them. I want to repair them and restore them to their normal functions. Help them live normal, healthy lives again through advanced prosthetics and orthotics technologies.

I've cut out all the distractions. I've set my eyes on the target. I've set my mind to it. And my will power, all of my best efforts are put back into motion. This. is. it.


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