For this post, I'd like to provide a bit of history behind nanotechnology. In 1959, a physicist named Richard Feynman gave a lecture entitled "There's Plenty Room at the Bottom" at CalTech; this lecture was considered a seminal moment in the history of nanotechnology as new concepts and terms were formed for the upcoming scientific study. So, through his breakthrough ideas, Feynman proposed an overview of manufacturing techniques at the nanometre (1 billionth of a metre) scale; he went on to predict that in about three decades the microchip industry would develop transistors within 10 to 20nm in size and will fit billions of these on a single silicon substrate. Feynman was right. As evident with common place devices such as our smartphones, glasses, and watches the electronics industry (and other sectors such as biofuels) has taken full advantage of the nano scale manufacturing process. A few decades after Feynman's lecture, in 1986, a book titled "Engin...