
Showing posts from July, 2013

A man in a wheel chair.

Today I witnessed a man in a wheelchair scooting his way uphill. He was persistent. His wheelchair handlebars (normally used for someone to push him from behind) were cut off. I thought to myself, how much easier it would be for this man to have new legs. And then it hit me. It would be very easy.


I drown myself in books and TV to escape often the cold harshness of reality. Its been like that since I was a teenager. Its a good way to kick back and not have to think about things that would normally stress me out. But too much of escapism is a bad thing as it holds back progress. I need to get back on my feet and start being productive again. I need to start achieving again.

On my way.

I'm on my way to work on the skytrain as I write this blog. I'm standing up as I type. Imagine what level of intelligence and cooperation was needed to make this technological feat. The cell towers to go up. The protocols to draft. The development environments to build. Imagination and the need to create something brand new is what drove the groups to put this all together. I need to tap into that innovative thinking. If not on my own then as part of a community. So many channels to choose from. Where to start?