
Showing posts from June, 2013


My sister gave birth to handsome baby boy today. She named him Joshua. It's Hebrew for salvation. Very appropriate. The first half Chinese born Hidalgo. The first of my father's grandchildren. The first born of a new generation who will continue our legacy and usher in a new era of grace and prosperity. So much promise. So much potential. Our salvation is born.

Father's day.

Its father's day. After some deliberation I decided to open the shed and look for some of dad's tools. I found some electronic testing equipment, some diodes, transistors, and other electrical components. So, I'm embracing my electrical engineering genes and realizing there is much I've inherited. Much knowledge to bring out, and much to further develop to the next phase of my individual evolution.


We are often called to find reason for phenomena that happen in our everyday lives. Events that occur are just events. We leave it up to our brain to process those events and find a logical explanation to them. There is a reason for everything. For direction in academics, change in career or choice in significant others. It is reason that leads us, it is reason that keeps us committed. Commitment (to an idea) is nothing more than a devotion to right reasoning. Falling out of commitment is not necessarily lack of devotion to that idea but perhaps a change in reasoning to pursue another type of commitment. Whatever that may be.


We all make choices in life; sometimes they are good choices and sometimes they are bad. But what if there wasn't a good or bad choice. What if it was just a choice made based on the current knowledge and logic known at the time. And what if it was something natural that happened that we had no control over.  Which leads me to question whether we have choice at all or is everything we do part of a larger predetermined plan working towards a goal for the greater good of all mankind?