
New World Order.

As I write this, the world is on the brink of an AI revolution. It feels like we're on the verge of achieving AGI, that's the promise anyway. I started this blog a little over 10 years ago to track my thoughts on the impending technological advance we were being pushed through. Things have changed for me personally as well, I've completed my BRICS run, got married, and got a kid. I'm currently working a job, in automation, that I love.  The New World Order will be achieved through robotics. That was my assertion 10 years ago. It holds to this day. We're almost there.

Philippines. A Travel Log.

It had been about 15 years since I last stepped foot in the land of adobo and tinikling (and Moros). When I booked our family tickets, Yulia and I had very different ideas of what this vacation was going to be about. Yulia wanted a week long R&R on a beach, tanning and paddleboarding. I wanted something more, I wanted to reconnect and reinvigorate the Filipino inside me. I wanted to reconcile my Filipino identity with my Canadian identity. Instead of continually trying to suppress my genetic and cultural roots, I wanted to give it a voice this time. Give it power. Day One. We landed at Terminal 1 at NAIA (Manila International Airport). After a quick and smooth deplaning and baggage pickup, we exited the area only to find dad missing. Frantically, we activated our SIM cards and called dad over and over again until we finally got a hold of him. He was at the wrong terminal, but he quickly made his way to us and we drove to our new generational house in Las Pinas accessing...

Turkey. A Travel Log.

Remnants of a magnificent city past is what makes Istanbul. The Byzantine empire defined area for a little over a millennia and a half before the Ottomans took it. Don't get me wrong Istanbul is amazing in its own right as manifested by the Turks, but just imagine what Constantinople was like at its peak. Stories of a city embossed in gold, aristocrats and scholars strolling about the streets engaging in intellectual dialogue, supernatural events occurring on the regular. You don't see that anymore (for obvious reasons) but what saddens me is the ruins left behind by the Eastern Roman [Christian] empire were no longer sacred nor properly preserved by the current government. There were instances where some remains of a fortress or palace were being used as a garbage dump, graffiti etched forever onto a millennia old structure. Despite this, I was still able to appreciate all that was left behind by the Romans (read Byzantines).  Day 1. We went as a family. Yulia, Sofia and I. Af...


Russia is (purpotely) on the brink of war and I've got heavy things on my mind so I decided that now is probably a good time to reboot this blog. I want to be able to track my thoughts moving forward.  I've got a family now, with a kid who is half-Russian. Sofia. She's my universe. One day, I can give her this blog so if she ever cared to trace back her dad's history she can do so here. The most burdensome weight on my mind right now is propaganda. We're not free from it anywhere we live. Right or left. Conservative or liberal. East or West. It's all propaganda. 

Russia. A travel log.

The Serbian airport had an enigmatic stillness to it, like that of a rural Eastern European village forgotten by time. Old world simplicity resonated here. It was quiet. Peaceful. But I still felt a little unsettled. I flicked pages from my passport and turned to my Russian Tourist Visa. The toil I had to go through to get this. Travelling back and forth Dallas and Houston was a bumpy trek for sure, and all for that for a shiny piece of paper entitling me entrance to one of the most mysterious countries of the world. I felt elated, yet nauseous. The final call to board from Belgrade to Moscow was announced. I shuffled to get my things together I flip open my passport handed my boarding pass to the attendant. "Enjoy your flight," she said. I hope so. I thought. Day 1 I arrive at Moscow Sheremetyevo airport with absolutely zero knowledge of the language and no clue how to arrive at my AirBnB. I breathed in a little and focused on the first steps. SIM card. My smartphone was ...

Hidalgo - Meditations - Book I

IV.  On poverty. Kindness is given to those who are in earnst need of it. Be wary, there are dangers of giving charity to the deceitful. To distinguish between the two, look upon their eyes and solemnity of will. Distress not over the needy, the universe has a time and place for all, theirs is a temporary position in preparation for spiritual enrichment or escape from this mortal world.  Wealth is sustained to those with proper modes of stewardship. Of those with abundance, envy not their place, look to your own, if you find your resources limited, provide value to the world without asking for recompense, the world will return your efforts ten fold. Of those with and without, the mechanics of an entire economic system relies on appropriate allocation of power to its components. If all components were given the same power the system simply will not work.  Money is an abstract notion of power that gravitates toward those who best know to wield it. Learn to wiel...

Machine Learning.

Earlier this year, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla Motor's Elon Musk, and several other high profile investors capitalized on a secretive artificial intelligence lab named " Vicarious ". As a private company, details of its business remained appropriately classified, but sources noted that they were in the artificial neural networks arena with research focused on software emulating the human neocortex. They were a machine learning company. What is Machine Learning ? A quick drop in on Wikipedia will tell you that it is defined as "a branch of artificial intelligence, [concerned] with the construction and study of systems that can learn from data". Artificial intelligence has, at large, remained in the realm of science fiction novels and movies, the general public often scoffing its premise as nonsense and a study without realistic scientific substance. This has been true in the past, but academics and private enterprises alike are now realizing the i...